client: velcom
date: 04/16/2013
Promotion of velcom in social media

velcom is a telecom operator that offers mobile and fixed-line telephony services, online TV, ICT, etc. It is also one of the largest suppliers of smartphones to the Belarusian market. As a company with a socially oriented business, velcom is an active contributor to social programs. Priority dimensions include assistance to children (#velcombegom) and promotion of the preservation of national values (Read in Belarusian, MOVABOX, and Belarusian Weekends).

Target audience
The target audience of the telecoms operator in social media includes the current and prospective velcom subscribers.
velcom communities

Mission and objectives
- To develop a strategy for the presence of the velcom brand in the social media (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Viber) with regular updates;
- Inform about velcom’s businesses and services, attract new users to benefit from services;
- Generate website traffic;
- Promote the company’s projects;
- Consult velcom’s users – answer their queries about rates, settings, gadgets, etc.
Corporate content accounts for a significant portion of the velcom communities’ content. This information often sounds too businesslike, which creates a communicative barrier and causes the company to distance from the audience.
A creative solution is to place the focus on a person, rather than the company, and generate communicative value. velcom makes use of social networks to speak about its activities, and everyone will find something valuable — share brand ownership, follow its victories and achievements, be inspired and get positive emotions.

In addition to mobile and fixed line communication services, velcom operates other businesses from online TV to a solar farm. The company also pursues numerous social projects.
We developed a list of headings with publications about mobile products, new businesses, events, and special projects to capture all of velcom’s activities. Each post is promoted towards its segment of the target audience, thereby covering as many users as possible in social networks — both current and prospective velcom’s subscribers
Mobile communication and equipment
The block is split into categories that make it possible to seamlessly introduce the key features of the promoted goods and services to users.
For example, medium-priced smartphones are presented as a dish, in which their features are described as their ingredients.
The main functions of the flagship models are highlighted with the help of disclaimers.

New businesses
A separate category or even several categories for each of velcom’s businesses help them emphasize their individual advantages and capacity.
For VOKA online TV we offer TOP movies in every genre that can be found on VOKA, and conduct movie quizzes.
In the communities we highlight the events that were held with velcom’s support. For example, we post announcements of the movies that premiere at velcomcinema.
For more remarkable projects initiated by the brand, such as #velcombegom, we develop additional activities: from contests to dynamic covers with kilometer counters.
In the summer of 2018, in order to encourage users to take up jogging, we actively supported the project in Stories. We organized an online job together with users, in which they were able to shape the events. Based on polls, we chose the direction, in which the character from Stories ran.

Special projects
We initiate some projects on our own. One of them was a special project to celebrate velcom’s 19th anniversary. Together with the artist Yulia Nevmerzhitskaya we drew postcards with unique illustrations to thank users for their time with velcom. The postcards feature symbols of Belarus — a grownup and baby bison, stork, and pine tree that stand for the first and 19th year of development. The promo video to support the company shows how Yulia Nevmerzhitskaya creates the series of unique illustrations.

Public chat in Viber
Viber is another communication channel to reach out to the audience. The chat features company news in a fun format. We also introduced polls to increase user involvement.
The concept of a public chat envisages five categories and five characters responsible for each category: Manager’s Smartphone, Geekbiscus, Guest Sofa, Main Server, and velcom Building:
• Main Server shares the technical part of the content: rate plan data, number of subscribers, coverage, etc.
• Manager’s Smartphone shares news and results of projects implemented by the company;
• Geekbiscus promotes phones: informs about discounts and special offers at the sales and service centers and the company’s online store;
• Velcom Building shares corporate information;
• Guest Sofa maintains subscribers’ interest, for example, it communicates with guests.
We implement two individual content strategies in Instagram – in the feed and Stories.
In the main feed we focus on velcom’s own PR projects, support the image of the brand and UGC. The best pictures get into the feed to encourage users to make post with the brand’s hashtag.
Stories are better suited for announcements and special offers. Several stories are normally used to tell about the advantages of new smartphones and the company’s special offers. We also add activities: interactive quests and polls. They are all saved in current Stories on the account.