client: Burger King
date: 09/01/2017
How Burger King got the army of brand lovers?

Burger King is a fast food restaurant best known for its original taste of specialties and a good quality-price ratio.
The belarusian history of Burger King starts in 2005 when the first restaurant was open which quickly gained popularity. Made on fire legendary Whopper, menu and the possibility to spend time comfortably with a whole family are Burger King's brand identities.


Purpose and task
- To build a social media brand presence strategy (VK, Facebook, Instagram);
- To deliver the main brand message “Burger King is for you”;
- To engage followers to communicate;
- Get a lot of loyal customers and real brand lovers.
Target audience
Men and women aged 16-35 (core audience – aged 18-25), people from cities and towns where Burger KIng restaurants are open.

Role model
Burger King entertainment park
Burger King restaurants is something more than just a place to eat… It’s a real sourсe of emotions and entertainment!
Each social media post is an attraction and a way to interact with this park. While looking through all social media posts a user is getting entertained and involved
“We work only for you” — the main message Burger King wants to deliver to the audience.
Relationship that we can see between the user and content at the entertainment park is perfect for that. Slides, merry-go-rounds, food-courts — it’s all for entertainment and making everyone happy.
Burger Кing differs on more audacious content approach and bright and colorful visuals from fast-food brands competitors. To keep the level of “madness’ we invited a belarussian stand-up comic to work on this project. What is more all creative team are responsible for situational content creation.
Tesla is launched into space? Arguementative local belarussian news? It’s all can be used in Burger King product content.

Working with young audience is supposed to be like an endless dialog with a high level of personalization.
Nowadays nobody wants to recieve impersonal and standard answers to the questions. That’s why our team pay great attention to the client support. It means to be both helpful and useful fot the users and copy with negative in time.
25-160 is the average number of people who contact Burger King via social networks every day. And we try to find personal approch to everyone.
average month social media reach
average ER Reach (%) in VK
minutes — average time of response to the user