client: Dilis

date: 10/01/2015-01/01/2016

Flavor is more valuable than money

Blind flavors tasting was the main idea for Dilis Parfum public image campaign. It was held with the participation of both Belarusian and Russian fashion bloggers, journalists, opinion leaders, and common users.

In the laboratory-like room people first tried to guess the price of fragrances without looking at their packaging and the brands. The tasting included perfumes of different brands and different price categories - the results were surprising.

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Integrated Campaign

PR Support


To show that the “flavor is more valuable than money”: subjective impressions and emotions that perfume gives are more important than brand and its price.

Business task

The increase sales of Dilis Parfum products via attracting new customers in Belarus and Russia.

Marketing task

To raise awareness and stimulate Dilis Parfum flavors tasting.

Communication tasks

  • to generate confidence in the quality of the “low-cost” perfume as a whole
  • to increase interest in a Dilis Parfum product range


Stage I – blind test “Flavor is more valuable than money” to create a video content.

Stage II – video content, which was promoted to the relevant Belarusian and Russian media platforms.

Stage III – promosite with the results of the campaign.


To create video content a blind test “Flavor is more valuable than money” was run, where people were to blindly estimate the cost of flavors.

For creative research 31 independent experts were invited and 12 perfumes popular in the CIS market in three price categories: Lifestyle (€ 10–15), Middle (€ 20-30) and Luxe (€ 80–90) were selected.

To help the audience ignore the brands and prices, the vials were placed in plastic non-transparent cases with numbers.

Blind test had three stages: the first was dedicated to six women’s fragrances; the second – six males’, the third – fragrances were tested on the skin of the models. Each participant of the experiment could taste the fragrance and determine its cost by numbered blotter. Blotter with fragrance applied had to be lowered into the hole of urns with suitable price category according to the sense, smell and personal impressions of each participant.

During the last stage the perfume was applied to the skin of models: they passed by three volunteers, who were blindfolded. Girls-assistants asked participants to classify the fragrances.


Stage I

The results of bloggers’ and media publications helped to reach the potential audience coverage of more than 680 thousand users.

More than half of the experts increased the price of flavors in Lifestyle category (€ 10-15): 19% of participants took them to the Luxe category and 34% – to the Middle category. 47% of the participants correctly identified the cost of these flavors.

Perfumes price in the Middle category (€ 20-30) was 2-3 times increased by 25% test participants, 43% of experts indicated it exactly and 32% of respondents lowered it to the level of category Lifestyle. Price category of Luxe flavors (€ 80-90) was correctly identified by 24% of experts, 37% of participants got Luxe flavors to Middle category, and 39% of participants in the experiment reduced the price of luxury fragrances in 6-8 times, referring them to the Lifestyle category.

Stage II

With a total amount of 244 000 video views, organic views were more than 44 000 (18%). 47 000 (20%) of users watched the video completely. Video was interesting not only to female audience (58%), but also to the male audience (42%).

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